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Riprendiamoci i nostri soldi!

Riprendiamoci i nostri soldi!


Hundreds of billions of dollars of our money have gone to bank bailouts, but banks are still raking in billions in profit and are giving CEOs gigantic bonuses while public services are gutted.

It's payback time. A new proposal — a tiny tax on financial speculation — is gathering support from activists and economists, celebrities and policymakers. The tax could raise hundreds of billions of dollars each year for U.S. job creation to create jobs, fight climate change, and combat global disease.

But massive numbers of people need to weigh in with President Obama in order to overcome Wall Street greed.

That's where you come in. Join IPS, Oxfam America, Health GAP, and ActionAid USA to show the president that we won't stand for any more recklessness: Call on Obama to support a financial speculation tax.

Petition Text

After the financial crisis and the investment of hundreds of billions of dollars in bank bailouts, bonuses and profits are again rising rapidly. We believe it is time for international bankers to pay something back to society.
We call on you to support a tiny charge of 0.25% or less on each trade of stocks, derivatives, currency, and other financial assets to ensure that banks pay their fair share of the costs of recovery. We urge you to use the hundreds of billions of dollars that would be generated by a financial speculation tax to create jobs at home, and to invest in fighting global disease, poverty and climate change.

Tratto da www.change.org
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