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Institutions and Policies
A Finance Minister Fit for a Greek Tragedy?
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Are creditors pushing Greece deliberately into default?

Real-world economics review


A journal of the World Economics Association (WEA) 11,8024 members, join here

Issue no. 64, 2 July 2013
You can download the whole issue as a pdf document by clicking here

In this issue:

Is it a bubble?
Steve Keen -- A bubble so big we can't even see it
Dean Baker – Are the bubbles back?

Ann Pettifor – The next crisis

Michael Hudson – From the bubble economy to . . .

Rethinking economics using complexity theory
Dirk Helbing and Alan Kirman

The fate of Keynesian faith in Joseph’s countercyclical moral
Douglas Grote

A constructive critique of the Levy sectoral financial balance approach
Brett Fiebiger

Capturing causality in economics and the limits of statistical inference
Lars Syll

Money as gold versus money as water
Thomas Colignatus
Constant returns to scale: Can the competitive economy exist
M. Shahid Alam

Reassessing the basis of corporate business performance
Robert Locke

Capitalism and the destruction of life on Earth
Richard Smith

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