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Turni di 12 ore e dormitori, l’Europa di Foxconn sembra la Cina
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Redistributing Work Hours
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La Cina e il WTO: dieci anni dopo


After a long and exhausting negotiation process, China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. Its accession implied the acceptance of different treaties regulating tariffs, services, and intellectual property rights. The latter agreement, referred to as TRIPS (Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights ) established a harmonization of the patent system across the globe requiring all member states to adopt a stronger regime for the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs). It was strongly pushed forward by a handful of large US multinational companies, supported by European and Japanese ones, in order to extend the patent regime in force in rich countries to all signatory states.

continua qui: www.opendemocracy.net

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