Il 15 maggio diverse organizzazioni della società civile europea hanno inviato una lettera aperta alla Commissione europea per contestare le scelte della Commissione sulla privitazzazione dei servizi idrici.
Ecco la lettera:
Brussels, May 15th 2011
To: Olli Rehn, Vice-President of the European Commission and member of the Commission responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro
José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
Michel Barnier, member of the Commission responsible for for Internal Market and Services
Janez Potočnik, member of the Commission responsible for the Environment
László Andor, member of the Commission responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Dear Mr. Rehn,
As a member of the 'Troika', the European Commission (with the International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank) has been responsible for setting the loan conditions for Greece, Portugal and other countries receiving rescue loans in the context of the sovereign debt crisis. These conditions, which have been widely criticised for the emphasis on cutting public budgets, include in the cases of Greece and Portugal large-scale privatisation of public services, including water utilities. We believe that this privatisation conditionality is unacceptable and seriously undermines the right to water.
The fact that the Commission (as part of the Troika) has insisted on the privatisation of water utilities also appears to be in violation of the EU's supposed neutrality on the question of public or private ownership and management of collective water services (article 345 TFEU and Art. 17 1 of the Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market).1
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