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They want capitalism without democracy, we want democracy without capitalism

They want capitalism without democracy, we want democracy without capitalism


Statement of the Blockupy coordinating committee

(…) Blockupy has achieved an important political victory. The attack on our demonstration has turned into a political disaster for the interior ministry and the representatives of the authoritarian politics of crisis ‘resolution’. We are determined to continue preparing further actions at the European Central Bank, this raw nerve of the European crisis regime, where protest is so obviously effective and thus clearly undesirable.

(…) Because of this intertwining of authoritarianism and neoliberal crisis politics, the resistance against the social effects of these politics, against immiseration and the hopelessness into which millions of people are plunged, and the resistance against the curtailing of democratic rights also necessarily belong together. They want capitalism without democracy, we want democracy without capitalism. (…)

BLOCKUPY promises to keep alive the protest in the heart of the European crisis regime in Germany. That our actions in Frankfurt will continue. We will soon send out invitations for a common meeting to begin a major international and participatory preparatory process for the mobilisation against the planned opening of the new ECB headquarters in 2014.

Read the full version of the statement

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