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Rio+20: lettera a Monti
Critica della green economy
Capital flows

Critica della green economy


La Heinrich Boll Stiftung ha reso pubblico un rapporto redatto da Wolfgang Sachs, Barbara Unmüßig, Thomas Fatheuer. Si tratta di una critica radicale e molto ben articolata alle insidie nascoste nel concetto di "green economy".

Since the first UN Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio in 1992, all the important environmental trends have taken a turn for the worse. In politics and industry decisions are still taken with scant regard for climate change, biodiversity loss or dwindling resources. The idea of unfettered growth as the way to end poverty and escape economic and financial crisis remains largely undisputed and is currently reflected in the concept of the green economy. But not everything that is “green” and efficient is also environmentally sustainable and socially equitable.

Continua qui: http://www.boell.de/publications/publications-critique-of-the-green-economy-14826.html

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